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Why do I need solar optimisers?

They help you deal with shade from trees and other buildings so that your system performs at optimal levels.

Optimisers play a crucial role in enhancing the performance of solar energy systems by maximizing energy output. As the name suggests, these devices work tirelessly to track the maximum power point of each individual module, ensuring that solar panels operate at peak efficiency regardless of external factors.

One of the primary benefits of optimisers is their ability to mitigate shading issues. In traditional solar PV systems without optimisers, shading on a single panel can significantly impact the overall efficiency of the entire string. For example, if shading affects a single panel by 50%, the output of the entire string may decrease by 50% as well. This limitation can pose significant challenges, especially in installations where shading is a common occurrence.

Optimisers address this challenge by enabling solar panels to function independently within the string. This means that if one panel is shaded or not performing optimally, it does not drag down the performance of the entire string. Instead, the optimisers ensure that each panel operates at its maximum potential, thereby maximizing energy production even in shaded conditions.

By incorporating optimisers into your solar energy system, you can unlock greater efficiency and resilience, ensuring consistent energy generation regardless of shading or other environmental factors. Smart Energy Answers offers a range of optimisers to complement your solar installation, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your renewable energy investment.